Lenten Men's Conference on Long Island!
“The world needs men who will boldly live their faith”
The MEN OF CHRIST® conference of Wisconsin has become the largest Catholic men’s meeting in the country, drawing 3,500+ to its annual event. The goal is to help men re-engage in their Catholic faith and develop deep and meaningful friendships with like-minded men. In 2023 our conference was blessed to have six presenters, who shared how we can find joy living our vocation in our families, at work and in our circles of influence. We offered small group participation after many of the presentations, to share, listen and reinforce what we just viewed.
Our St. Anthony’s men’s group was blessed to be able to remotely host their conference in March 2022, and we did so once again on March 11, 2023 at St. Anthony of Padua Church in East Northport, NY. We used this as an opportunity to disconnect from the secular world for one day, to invest in ourselves, and to feel the energy when close to 100 men at our conference site and over 2,500 from the other conference sites came together to learn, share, break bread and pray together. We ended this year as we did at our 2022 conference with a Father/Son blessing along with a blessing from our pastor!
We have posted all the video presentations for both 2023 and 2022 below. You can also view a slide show of photos taken at each of our conferences at the bottom of each section.
For our fellow brothers in Christ who joined us from other Long Island parishes, we encouraged you during the event to host it at your own church in March 2024. We also suggested that the facilitators for each of our parish men's groups on Long Island plan to get together quarterly in some manner (either in-person or via Zoom). Thoughts were that we could promote each other's conferences, assist each other with content to use or just share best practices regarding the facilitation and scheduling of our meetings.
If you would like to become a member of our Long Island men's group consortium, or if you would like to learn more about how to plan to host a Lenten conference from the men of Christ organization that is based in Wisconsin, at your parish next year, feel free to reach out to either of our men of Christ conference coordinators, who would be happy to schedule a call to assist in this manner. Please feel free to text or call either Jim McCann (631-553-5161) or Ken Baron (516-851-2337) for this purpose.
2023 Conference Schedule

Wisconsin MoC 2023 Event Videos
2023 Event Photos

Wisconsin MoC 2022 Event Videos
2022 Event Photos